COP18 outcome branded ‘extremely weak’ on short term ambition

By Tierney Smith

– The day’s top climate change stories as chosen by RTCC
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– Updated from 0830-1700 BST (GMT+1)

Monday 10 December

Last updated: 1630

Russia: Experts have said that Russia’s decision to not participate in the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol will not have a significant effect on its economy. The country exited the agreement saying that the treaty fails to prevent climate change and does not bring benefits to their economy. (RT)

COP18: The latest report from Scientists, published just hours after the negotiations finished reveals that the world is currently on a path for a warming of 3°C by 2040.

Arctic: Climate change is pushing tundra grizzly bears into Arctic communities where they would not normally be seen, raising issues over the safety of humans in these areas and the conservation of the bears. Vincent L’Hérault, a biologist and PhD student at the University of Quebec in Rimouski, said grizzlies are expanding their range in a north-easterly direction. (Vancouver Sun)

Australia: Some of the most prominent climate sceptics see no reason to change their minds, despite the increase number of studies over recent weeks that show forecasts on global warming were either correct or underestimated the potential impacts. (Brisbane Times)

Bangladesh: Living on the front line of climate change, those living in Bangladesh are sceptical of the COP18 outcome. They are doubtful whether the billions of dollars pledged by rich nations for the Green Climate Fund will ever be delivered. (Al Jazeera)

COP18: As the final delegates fly home from Doha, media outlets, NGOs and governments across the world are assessing the fall-out from the conference. While many a despairing and some are questioning the UN system altogether, others stand behind the process as the only framework currently available for global action. (Reuters)

Environmental NGOs have branded the summit a missed opportunity, saying the coal and oil industry will benefit. They slam the conference for failing to provide clarity on climate finance which they say is “an obligation of developed countries.”

EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard as an important step in the right direction.

EU: Brussels is expected to move to regulate the shale gas industry, according to a member of the European Parliament, who says fracking laws are needed to control the UK’s dash for gas. The member says that Britain cannot be sure it knows what it is doing, if it allows the extraction process to go ahead. (Guardian)

UK: The British government – the country’s biggest energy consumer – will next year launch a tender to buy a small percentage of its own energy requirements from renewable suppliers. (Reuters)

New Zealand: Despite refusing to sign up to a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, New Zealand can still take advantage of the carbon-market mechanisms under the UN treaty until at least 2015, a spokesman for Climate Change Minister Tim Groser has said. The nation’s polluters will be able to buy UN Certified Emissions Units until the so-called “true-up” period reviewing the current Kyoto commitments ends. (Bloomberg)

EU: Pressure from the EU’s three most powerful members – France in particular – helped force the abrupt one-year postponement of the continent’s efforts to charge airlines for carbon emitted from flights in and out of Europe. (Reuters)

UK: The Royal Bank of Scotland will today launch a £200 million Carbon Reduction Fund, designed to provide businesses with access to low cost loans to help them undertake energy efficiency improvements. (BusinessGreen)

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