Next 12 months will see China roll out a 5-year plan, UN maritime & aviation agencies discuss climate policies and a new president elected to the White House
If you think we’ve missed an event email [email protected] or tweet @climatehome
16: Taiwan parliamentary and presidential election
16-17: International Renewable Energy Agency assembly, Abu Dhabi
20-23: World Economic Forum, Davos
Early February: Clean Power Plan legal decision
2-5: Delhi Sustainable Development Summit
9-10: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change communication meeting
16-17: IPCC bureau meeting, Geneva
16: Iran parliamentary election
Date TBC: China to release 13th Five Year Plan – how will it interpret COP21/INDC
1: US presidential race – Super Tuesday (12 primaries)
4: EU environment ministerial meeting/COP21 implications debate
7-11: Green Climate Fund board meeting, Songdo, South Korea
8-11: 47th Session of UN Statistical Commission (indicator framework for post-2015 development strategy to be determined)
14-18: World Bank land and poverty conference, Washington DC
30-31: International Civil Aviation Organization conference, Montreal
1: UN delivers new GHG analysis based on all national climate plans submitted in 2015
4-8: Montreal Protocol expert meeting, Geneva
10: Peru general election
11: Informal EU energy ministers meeting, Amsterdam
11-12: UNGA high-level thematic debate: implementing commitments on sustainable development, climate change and financing
11-13: Session of the IPCC, Nairobi
13: South Korea general election
14-15: Informal EU environment and transport meeting, Amsterdam
15-18: World Bank and IMF spring meeting
18-22: International Maritime Organization environment meeting, London (discussions on maritime climate policies likely)
20-21: Global Green Growth conference, Copenhagen
22: High level Paris agreement signing ceremony, New York
5-6: Climate action summit (UN, cities, business + NGO gathering), Washington DC
9: Philippines general election
9-20: UN forum on indigenous rights, New York
10-13: Adaptation Futures Conference (an EU/Netherlands event), Rotterdam
16-26: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (mid-year meeting)
23-24: World Humanitarian Summit, Istanbul
23-27: UNEP annual meeting, Nairobi
26-27: G7 meeting, Japan
1-2: Clean Energy Ministerial, San Francisco
2: OPEC annual meeting, Vienna
6: EU energy ministers meet in Luxembourg for gas/electricity market design
6-9: Global Environment Facility council meeting, Washington DC
20: EU ministers debate Emissions Trading Scheme reboot
11-20: UN high level forum on sustainable development, New York
5-21: Olympic Games, Brazil
1-10: IUCN World Conservation Congress, Hawaii
4-5: G20, Huangzhou, China
13-26: UN General Assembly, New York
18: Russia parliamentary election
24-27: Global Environment Facility council meeting
27-Oct 7: International Civil Aviation Organization annual summit, Montreal (where aviation climate policies will be discussed)
8: World Bank and IMF meeting
10-14: Montreal Protocol (inc discussions to tackle HFCs)
17-20: Habitat III, Quito, Ecuador
24-28: International Maritime Organization environment meeting, London
1: G20 meeting, China
8: US presidential elections
7-18: UN COP22 Climate Summit, Morocco
4-17: UN Convention on Biodiversity COP13 summit, Cancun