Pictures from a day of climate rage as 30,000 descend on Washington to demand President Obama blocks construction of Keystone XL pipeline
Edward Cameron from the World Resources Institute argues leadership is needed to move UN negotiations on this year
New method of growing rice has achieved significantly larger harvests while reducing the need for fertilisers and curbing emissions of greenhouse gases
World Bank chief says climate change is not a distant threat, but one that is having economic consequences today
Writer who interviewed Lord Monckton for research says his underlying climate beliefs are based less on facts and more on life experiences
Guy Edwards asks which Latin American country is best suited to hosting the important 2014 UN climate negotiations
Former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Bob Watson says global average temperatures could reach 5°C above their pre-industrial level
Arctic sea ice levels dropped 9% in the winter between 2003 and 2012 according to analysis from the American Geophysical Union
Starring in spoof press conference, Damon says banning himself from toilet is the only way to “make people give a shit” about water issues
EU Climate Commissioner delighted that ‘science’ to form backbone of US policy on global warming
Cheap gas supplies could be the death knell of nuclear energy in the United Kingdom threatening attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
UK’s former chief climate diplomat says USA still has time to lead low carbon revolution, but time is running out
The melting of Arctic ice frozen for many thousands or even millions of years is speeding up, a potential route for carbon frozen deep below ground level
Virgin chief Richard Branson plans to use the tiny Caribbean island he owns to test the effectiveness of renewable energy systems for small island states
UK Energy and Climate Secretary says sceptics are dogmatic, blinkered and risking their children’s future
Kathmandu teacher Vishnu Dangi offers a view of the challenges climate change and environmental degradation poses his country
Leader of Catholic church should be credited with raising environmental concerns and warning countries to address climate change
If shopkeepers closed their doors and turned the heating down they could save 50% on the bills – but few seem inclined to play ball
Scientist says Amazon rainforest less likely to succumb to die-off of trees, because main greenhouse gas could act as a powerful fertiliser
Scientists from the University of Adelaide say more than a century of records provide statistically significant proof that global rainfall is increasing