Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Latest Climate Action Tracker, published hours after negotiations concluded reports Doha agreement has done nothing to prevent increased global warming
Christiana Figures says once Russian delegate has read texts agreed in Doha he will realise he has nothing to complain about.
Chief of China’s climate commission Li Junfeng says country needs low-carbon renewable technologies to be shared
COP18: Russian outrage at COP decision overshadows extension to Kyoto Protocol
COP18: Why have proposals to compensate vulnerable regions for climate-induced disasters suddenly become a make or break issue at the UN negotiations in Doha?
COP18: Campaign group calling on US citizens to email the White House and urge Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to offer more climate funding in Doha
COP18: Arab states say they are ready to submit Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), but have not said when they will do it or how ambitious these will be
COP18: Informal presidency stock take to convene later to establish if a deal is possible tonight, amid rumours ministers may take charge of running talks
COP18: European Green Party tells RTCC bloc must boost its domestic climate action if it wants to regain influence at UN climate change talks
COP18: Tense day looms as critical issues of finance, emission pledges and compensation for climate damage remain unresolved
COP18: Concerns over Qatar’s Presidency of the UN climate talks are growing after another frustrating day for negotiators in Doha.
COP18: New report finds the Arab region especially vulnerable to climate change, with five countries setting new temperature records in 2010.
COP18: Lead negotiator Naderev Saño tells delegates latest typhoon is stark warning that countries are hurting from effects of climate change
RTCC’s climate change musical goes global with a performance from students at the Berlin Brandenburg International School
COP18: RTCC’s Daniel Schweimler heads into Doha and discovers the country has a long way to go before it can call itself truly ‘green’
COP18: We’ve found the climate leader the world has been waiting for – South Korean rapper and Gangnam style star Psy
COP18: Poland’s Environment Minister Marcin Korolec tells RTCC he will not back down over hot air issue, and calls on parties to focus on 2015 deal
COP 18: EU Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard says Union is doing its bit to cut emissions but calls for more help from major polluters
COP18: New draft document hints Russia is retreating from 25% target announced by Prime Minister Medvedev at Rio+20