NEWS: Civil society groups say potential partners are coal-friendly and have chequered past, but finance experts say it needs help from major institutions to leverage green billions
NEWS: Researchers warn that more areas of the world will swelter more often in potentially lethal heatwaves unless greenhouse gas emissions are drastically curtailed
COMMENT: Maldives foreign minister urges international community to stand with Fiji as it recovers from Cyclone Winston
COMMENT: Strong support for the COP21 deal in April is vital to ensure momentum and confidence in a low carbon transition is maintained, argues Christian Aid’s top climate advisor
NEWS: Trudeau and McKenna to update strategy on Thursday as implementing tougher carbon cuts proves troublesome
NEWS: Brussels is withholding €12m contribution to COP22 in a diplomatic row over Rabat’s claim on Western Sahara
NEWS: Clean energy, nuclear and irrigation systems to benefit under budget announced by finance chief Arun Jaitley
NEWS: Actor ramps up call for tougher efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions, urges support for leaders who are not beholden to fossil fuel giants
COMMENT: Inevitable losses of human lives, ecosystems and damage to infrastructure raises pressure on countries to agree a tougher climate compensation scheme
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Favourites to take charge of UNFCCC revealed, lead envoys meet in Tokyo, China says it will breeze past 2020 goals, Saudi oil chief says divestment campaign is a threat
NEWS: Study says vast methane plume boosted California’s methane emissions 20%, and raises questions over US gas drilling regulations
ANALYSIS: Green group outrage at trade ruling is a wild exaggeration and ignores the real failures of India’s clean energy plans
COMMENT: Gambian Minister Pa Ousman Jarju says there’s a continued need for climate diplomacy and ambitious climate action
NEWS: Campaigners say they have been emboldened by the prosecution of 13 activists, promising more direct action to highlight the dangers posed by global warming
NEWS: World’s top carbon polluter on course to meet 2020 and 2030 goals, as demand for coal nears peak
NEWS: Latest batch of released intercepts reveal US penetrated UN, Germany and Japan discussions on plans for the Copenhagen climate summit
ANALYSIS: The UN wants an official with ‘high professional standing and an intimate knowledge of the issues’ to replace Christiana Figueres when she leaves in July
NEWS: Greenpeace analysis of NASA satellite pictures reveals levels of airborne particles are soaring as a result of increase burning of coal, oil and waste
NEWS: Philanthropist says we need ‘energy miracle’ to to combat climate change and poverty in annual letter