Joe Biden has been unable to appoint ambassadors to capitals including Beijing and Delhi due to the Texas senator’s anti-Nord Stream 2 crusade
Africa’s biggest polluter has significantly strengthened its climate targets for this decade, as renewables increasingly out-compete coal power
As Angela Merkel’s 16 years leading Germany come to an end, experts praise her international climate record but say she was too timid domestically
Analysts say renewables, insulation and electrification of heating and cooking are the answer to soaring gas prices across Europe
As world leaders meet to talk energy in New York, 200 green groups are urging them to embrace renewables and stop financing fossil fuels
Climate campaigners are celebrating as an end to Chinese public backing leaves few sources of finance for new coal plants around the world
OECD figures show international climate finance increased by just 2% from 2018 to 2019, leaving a $20 billion shortfall to the 2020 target
Justin Trudeau’s climate compromise allowed the oil sector to grow, driving emissions up before his carbon price could bite
The Caribbean nation wants its vehicles and electricity to be almost completely renewable by 2030 but supports oil and gas development for export
After hurricane Ida swamped the city, experts set out how to increase the resilience of public transport infrastructure as flash-flooding events become more frequent
Meat, air con, flying and SUVs are driving emissions up, the latest science shows – and cleaner lifestyle choices can make a difference
The world’s largest supplier of LNG also has the highest per-capita emissions, yet is not committing to absolute carbon cuts in its latest UN submission
Campaigners scored a minor victory in efforts to block consent for Cambo oil field in the North Atlantic, which they argue is incompatible with climate leadership
Three Pacific nations want to reopen talks on the long term climate target at the International Maritime Organization, urging higher ambition
The government wants 70% of the island’s electricity to come from renewables by 2030 and is offering cheap loans to install rooftop solar
The government is promising to crack down on wasteful emissions from oil and gas production, a major climate and health issue in Nigeria
The government has published a plan for the ‘sustainable’ use of coal that would allow the fossil fuel to be burnt until 2050
The post-Soviet state has increased its climate ambition but campaigners say it could do more to insulate draughty housing and promote clean energy
Athletes fainted as wet bulb temperatures reached dangerous levels in Tokyo, raising questions about the future of major sporting events in an overheated world
Struggling to balance its budget as the coronavirus pandemic hits oil revenues, Oman is looking to diversify the economy and cut electricity subsidies