NEWS: Emissions cut of 26-28% by 2030 lacks scientific credibility and harms country’s international reputation, say critics
NEWS: Campaigners urge Tony Abbott’s government to target post-2020 emissions cuts in line with 2C warming limit
COMMENT: Adani and GVK’s controversial mines in the Galilee Basin are not the cure to energy poverty, says retired top Indian official
NEWS: Islamic leader in West African country says aggression towards the environment is a sin and must be stopped
COMMENT: If the aviation sector can fly Paris to Tokyo in three hours, it can – and must – go green, says Transport & Environment
ANALYSIS: As low oil prices fail to bankrupt US oil, could climate action help Middle Eastern petropower rebalance its economy?
QUIZ: Which country has the biggest wind farm, the most dramatic climate negotiator or the world record for tree-planting?
NEWS: Government failed to consider yakka skink and ornamental snake in permit for AU$16 billion Carmichael mine, judge finds
NEWS: Renewed bid for oil-rich polar region comes as US president Obama plans climate change warning at Arctic summit
NEWS: Receding ice caps will soon make way for year-round passage through the Arctic, shifting the patterns of world trade
ANALYSIS: It won’t speed up the US coal phase-out, but the flagship climate policy does kick an ailing sector, with global lessons
COMMENT: Cap & Share could be the scheme to turn popular support for climate action into results, argues Laurence Matthews
NEWS: Bioenergy crops need more irrigation and will put pressure on water resources, models show
NEWS: Setting pace of emissions cuts by observed warming could see off climate policy objections, say UK researchers
NEWS: “Urgent action to combat climate change” is part of a draft anti-poverty package gavelled through in New York on Sunday
ANALYSIS: Natural infrastructure is boosting Nairobi’s resilience to water extremes, but this approach can struggle to attract investment
NEWS: If all countries follow the example of the best in each sector, it brings warming target within reach, say European researchers
ANALYSIS: New Delhi is expected to submit its plans to the UN in September, balancing carbon cuts with development
NEWS: All but one of the main surface temperature monitors has recorded a 1C rise since pre-industrial times, analysis shows
ANALYSIS: Moscow is politely absent from the climate debate, showing indifference rather than hostility to a global deal