The tougher temperature goal was a great victory for the vulnerable countries in terms of global diplomacy and advocacy. Now comes the hard part of implementation
Researchers have pinpointed the beginning of global warming to a couple of decades in mid-1800s, showing earth’s sensitivity to small atmospheric changes
New report by world’s foremost authority on global warming likely to major on how countries can adjust to rising temperatures and weather extremes
Scientists to explore emission pathways that could lead to lower levels of global warming with IPCC study due in 2018
Warning that humans may already have emitted enough carbon dioxide to undermine the 1.5°C temperature rise threshold agreed by 195 nations last December
Political focus on tackling climate change has dropped since Paris talks, but need for urgent action remains writes Thoriq Ibrahim
Planet set for fifth successive warming year with average 1.21C temperature rises above 1850-1900 levels, a big increase on the 1.06C warming in 2015
Campaign launches to promote clean energy and sustainable lifestyles, with stars backing #sport4climate
Email exchanges between Australian government and Paris-based UNESCO indicate officials colluded in keeping lobbying over key climate report secret
Science underpinning the global treaty aiming to stop average temperatures rising more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels needs more research
These mesmerising climate visuals tell the story of how emissions have stoked global warming since 1850
Average temperature in the first six months of 2016 was 1.3C says NASA as fears over climate change impacts continue to mount
Scientific reports warn that people are already dying and economies being hit by climate change − and that the dangers are growing
Hundreds of west Europeans were killed in the 2003 heat wave by human-induced climate change, scientists say in a ground-breaking report
World is almost certain to breach danger threshold for millions of vulnerable people, study finds
Spat on the sidelines of Bonn climate talks exposes tough choices on the pathway to stabilise global greenhouse gas emissions
US advisory body disregards Paris Agreement in energy projections, to the chagrin of climate campaigners
155 major companies have committed to cut emissions in line with 2C global warming threshold
Climate Vulnerable Forum calls on all countries to increase their carbon-cutting contributions by 2020, as leaders meet in New York
Half a degree makes a significant difference to sea levels, crop yields and coral reefs, find researchers