Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
BREAKING: UN adopts extension of Kyoto Protocol, loss and damage accepted, 2015 climate deal still on track
Kyoto draft text released but key issues unresolved, Russia could join second commitment period “after Doha” and Dominican Republic makes emission pledge.
Negotiators stretched as they prepare to hand work over to Ministers at the UN climate change talks in Qatar.
Qatar forms partnership with Potsdam Institute and forms Global Climate Forum, negotiators race to close technical discussions
Kyoto leaves plenty of issues on table for Ministers, more emissions pledges on the cards and delegates invited to “cancel a hot air credit”.
‘Do the Math’ comes to Doha, new Kyoto text out after hectic rest day for negotiators and Ministers begin to arrive at the climate talks.
Qatar climate change protest makes history, finance issues stack up for ministers and deadlocked talks stuck in a loop.
US negotiator says he “can’t sell equity” back home, China blocks transport cash for climate finance and is the Polish COP trying to sideline civil society?
Deadlock continues in Doha amid increasing tension, marathon finance sessions underway and Youth Groups meet COP president.
Poland selected as host of COP19 and Kazakhstan trumps Australia with 10% emission reduction pledge.
Egypt taregts regional climate action, Japan eyes carbon offsets as route to meeting post-nuclear obligations and Desertec calls for “climate bailout fund” in Doha.
Conference opens and grouping of more than 100 vulnerable countries call for an ambitious new Kyoto commitment period.
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT