COMMENT: Countries may be waiving claims to future climate compensation in a new deal. Know what you’re signing away, writes barrister Tim Crosland
NEWS: Rich countries must make a radical shift in consumption patterns to stay within agreed climate change limits, argues UK academic Kevin Anderson
NEWS: Spectre of lost traditions as low-lying islands become inhabitable cause for climate action, says top envoy, Tony de Brum
NEWS: Xi Jinping, Angela Merkel and Dilma Rousseff among 30 head of states backing clearer pathway to limit warming to 2C
NEWS: All but one of the main surface temperature monitors has recorded a 1C rise since pre-industrial times, analysis shows
NEWS: From tree planting to direct air capture machines, negative emissions techniques are essential, says founder of new centre
NEWS: Scientists warn feedback effects will melt polar ice faster than thought, causing “highly dangerous” impacts this century
VIDEO: Models that suggest the world can rapidly cut CO2 emissions are optimistic, says CICERO’s Glen Peters
BLOG: Diplomats in Bonn have pushed back on an initiative to assess whether current levels of carbon cuts will slow risky warming
NEWS: Development needs cited by emerging superpowers as science and geopolitics clash at Bonn negotiations
NEWS: World must embrace deeper emissions cuts, biofuels and carbon storage in last stab at limiting long term costs for planet, study says
NEWS: Target exposes world’s poor to “very high risk” and should be tightened as much as possible, concludes expert dialogue
NEWS: German researcher says climate advisors should admit 2C goal is out of sight, but his critics say long term targets are useful for governments
NEWS: Twenty nations menaced by rising sea levels and severe droughts attack “inadequate” temperature target
COMMENT: Moves are afoot to lower expectations ahead of upcoming Paris deal, with long term costs for the planet
Oxford researcher Christopher Shaw asks why this week’s IPCC report seems to have had so little impact on world leaders
World leaders need to take more ambitious actions to confront the mounting threat of climate change
Climate Action Network and Climate Analytics study says rapid investment in biomass, energy efficiency and carbon capture technologies required
Author of report calling for the target to be scrapped says that is unlikely until after the 2015 climate treaty is signed
Avoiding two degrees of warming is a key principle of the UN climate talks. But who decides how much warming is too much?