QUIZ: Test your knowledge of the environmental impact of food around the world
WEEKLY WRAP: This week’s top climate politics and policy stories. Sign up here to have our Friday briefing sent to your inbox
BLOG: From farm to plate, food accounts for up to a third of global emissions – so how can you limit the impact?
PODCAST: This week Ed King is joined by Richard Black, Farhana Yamin and Lisa Friedman – plus an interview with Connie Hedegaard
BLOG: Young people and future generations will be hit hardest by climate change, so what do they need out of a UN pact?
QUIZ: Which country has the biggest wind farm, the most dramatic climate negotiator or the world record for tree-planting?
BLOG: Science drenched with a water pistol as sceptical MPs and weathermen line up to bash Met Office
NEWS: French ambassador is joining a panel of experts on a 12-city tour to rally support for a climate deal in Paris
NEWS: The world’s second emitter eyes over a quarter cut in its CO2 emissions by 2025. Here’s how it can get there
BLOG: French special envoy Nicolas Hulot to send message through diplomatic channels ahead of Paris summit in December
NEWS: July meeting of the Major Economies Forum offers an insight into influential figures guiding UN climate talks
NEWS: Oil giant created its own local news outlet in 2014, determined to have its voice heard at home to key refinery
BLOG: Boyband call on “truly amazing” fans to pressure governments ahead of UN climate summit in Paris this December
COMMENT: Genius behind idea of pledges was national ownership, but there are too many variables for a clear picture
BLOG: Political ad hits out at climate sceptic Republican hopefuls in 2016, as oil funders ready $900m election arsenal
BLOG: Naturalist David Attenborough met Barack Obama and the Pope sought anti-capitalist Naomi Klein’s advice – who next?
BLOG: Rolling coverage from the launch of the Pope’s call to all Catholics to respect the environment and tackle climate change
BLOG: Climate talks are like pregnancy, Ethiopia is more climate-forward than Australia and God is on the climate’s side
BLOG: Diplomats in Bonn have pushed back on an initiative to assess whether current levels of carbon cuts will slow risky warming
BLOG: Global survey gives snapshot of variations in public mood towards climate change