NEWS: Two years after it fought off shale oil developers Cuadrilla, villagers in Balcombe are close to realising their clean energy dream
BLOG: High emissions aren’t hip, say Nike, Renault and M&S chiefs trying hard to rebrand a carbon-lite lifestyle
BLOG: Malaysian palm oil lobby offers prize for essays persuading people the sector does not drive deforestation
BLOG: Generating your own supply of electricity is straightforward and cheap – so easy that RTCC editor Ed King had a go
BLOG: Citizens of the world invited to submit ideas in in climate action contest to influence negotiators ahead of December summit
BLOG: US legal expert lays out criteria for Paris pact, warns administration should not over commit or it could face trouble in courts
ANALYSIS: What requirements will a proposed 2015 global warming deal place on countries? It’s a question exercising top legal minds
BLOG: With a Conservative government all-but assured in the UK, green groups will need to reassess their engagement strategy
NEWS: French handbag giant set to help fund 2015 conference, say reports, amid concerns meeting will be dominated by big business
BLOG: Nigel Lawson, James Delingpole and Melanie Phillips feature in provocative work awarded Anglia Ruskin sustainability art prize
BLOG: Combination of temperature rises linked to greenhouse gas emissions and EL Nino could send mercury levels soaring
BLOG: POTUS gets irate in skit on US inaction on climate change as he ribs critics at annual Correspondent’s Dinner at White House
All you need to know from the last seven days of international climate change and energy politics
BLOG: Congressmen more likely to believe in man-made global warming if states they represent too back its existence, study shows
BLOG: Most coal, oil and gas must stay in the ground to avert climate disaster. What is an energy company to do? We’re here to help
BLOG: The first eco-protest to go viral turns 45 today. We look back at the environmental movement’s greatest achievements
BLOG: To mark Earth Day 2015, leading scientists and academics list what they say are the foundations for a plan to tackle global warming
VIDEO: US president says science on climate is clear in 2015 Earth Day address, calls for Congress support for clean energy and emission cutting policies
BLOG: From Rotterdam in the Netherlands to Tarakan in Indonesia, coastal cities must deal with rising sea levels and extreme weather threats
BLOG: Students at the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University, are role-playing the Paris talks – can they strike a deal?