SKETCH: Fracking, aviation and Brexit spark heated debate at Greener Britain Hustings – which does not win over environmentalists
BLOG: MEP for UK Independence Party says EU decarbonisation policies could lead to food shortages – but is this backed by science?
BLOG: UKIP leader could have a critical role to play in next British government, but admits he doesn’t “have a clue” about global warming
NEWS: Rick Scott says claims climate was censored are “not true” but declines to expand on his views on causes of global warming
VIDEO: Thousands are expected to walk through the streets of London on Saturday to call for ‘climate action’
BLOG: Falling solar module prices, soaring demand for clean energy and new storage technologies all offer safety for potential investors, says bank
BLOG: South Pole is feeling effects of climate change, but scientists say rising sea ice levels are a “mystery”
BLOG: Global warming is a threat, but complex subject matter and lack of regular climatic events makes covering it a challenge, say leading reporters
BLOG: Don’t want to quit chocolate? Cut down on carbon instead, suggests Global Catholic Climate Movement
BLOG: From Berlin to Mumbai to the Marshall Islands, photographers captured the weird and wonderful divestment day protests
BLOG: Using photos and stories, people in the Arctic and small island states are documenting the disappearance of their land
BLOG: Scientists say combination of rising emissions and expanding nuclear capabilities are making Earth more dangerous
REVIEW: Scientists and actors unite to create a fun, interactive fable about the choices posed by climate change
BLOG: How would the State of the Union address look if Obama turned environmentalist? 350’s Jamie Henn conducts a rewrite
BLOG: As Pope Francis visits the Philippines, Tacloban citizens make a video appeal for climate justice
BLOG: Key dates for your diary in 2015, a year when the countries will come together and agree how to address climate change
BLOG: Japan Meteorological Agency says last year was +0.27°C above the 1981-2010 average and warmest since 1891
BLOG: NASA gallery reveals how global warming is taking its toll on the planet’s glaciers, lakes and forests
BLOG: Springtime burning of savannah and forest in the southern hemisphere shows up in latest satellite images
BLOG: Latin American cities are choking to death, that US-China emissions pact didn’t solve everything and other nuggets from COP20