COMMENT: We should ‘climate proof’ the land to prevent some of the tragedies of a warmer world, says UN desertification chief
COMMENT: Countries of Caucuses and Central Asia are the unsung heroes in the fight against climate change
COMMENT: Agriculture is linked to 20% of greenhouse gas emissions, but it’s not receiving attention from governments
ANALYSIS: Proposed EPA rule on power sector emissions gets closer to EU climate ambition
COMMENT: It’s not the water, it’s the salt: why civil society campaigners are still in the UN climate negotiations
ANALYSIS: Writing for China Dialogue, Beijing-based Greenpeace campaigner says emissions will need to peak before 2030
ANALYSIS: New US proposals likely to be tip of new carbon cuts as country seeks to meet international targets
COMMENT: New Zealand’s rejection of Kiribati man shows current system doesn’t work for those fleeing climate change impacts
COMMENT: Obama’s emission cuts could be more ambitious, but it’s the political message from new EPA laws that’s significant
ANALYSIS: Solar panel prices are rising again, good news for investors but perhaps bad for developers
COMMENT: A crisis in economics education is creating a generation of leaders who don’t understand climate change
COMMENT: Few major announcements expected, but meeting offers opportunity to build relationships ahead of Ban Ki-moon summit
ANALYSIS: US wind power data suggest a poor 2014, confounding industry forecasts
ANALYSIS: Expectations are high for the COP20 meeting in Lima, but success will require clever diplomacy from hosts
ANALYSIS: If India’s new BJP leader puts India on the path of sustainable development, he could help save the planet
COMMENT: Former Mexico President outlines goals of his Commission on Economy and Climate in Abu Dhabi summit address
COMMENT: A UK dash for shale gas will send all the wrong diplomatic signals at a time when clean energy investment is urgent
ANALYSIS: Submissions on a UN climate treaty are starting to flood in – and they show just how many differences remain
COMMENT: With 365 days until the UK’s general election, politicians must show they’re serious about tackling climate change
ANALYSIS: Stanford’s divestment from the coal industry could mark beginning of a new wave of investor action on climate change