Existing technologies hold the key to managing electricity demand says Jane Burston from the National Physical Laboratory
The issue of climate compensation at UN talks is like a house with many rooms writes Saleemul Huq – but few rich countries want to explore inside
International negotiations are often long, complicated, difficult to understand – but Joy Hyvarinen from Field argues it doesn’t have to be this way
Analysis: Europe’s attempts to impose a global aviation emissions trading scheme look isolated – it now has to decide how much it wants to pursue this policy
Polarised shale gas exploration debate makes an effective EU energy market strategy essential argues Simon Moore from UK think tank Policy Exchange
President Correa blamed funding shortfall for initiative’s failure, but wider problems with Yasuni persist
Andrew Mitchell from the Global Canopy Programme explains how everything we eat and wear is linked to the world’s great rainforests
Prime Minister’s support for fracking does not explain how it can be reconciled with UK decarbonisation targets
In the first of RTCC’s ‘Climate Leaders’ series, former UN climate science chief Bob Watson discusses forthcoming AR5 report and political implications
Climate Action Network and Climate Analytics study says rapid investment in biomass, energy efficiency and carbon capture technologies required