Reports the devastating storm was made worse by humanity’s carbon emissions fail to grasp climate change is not just about warming
When big polluters come knocking with research money tainted by climate denial, what should academics do?
The global temperature goal started life as a back-of-the-envelope guess but become a powerful principle for political organising
De Brum, who witnessed the destructive power of nuclear weapons as a child, won justice for his tiny country against formidable economic and political odds
In the Caribbean and Pacific, islanders are already hit by climate change, but lack tools to measure the damages for leverage in international negotiations
Trump’s US remains firmly in the Paris climate deal. Richard Black reckons that’s how it will stay and he’s prepared to put his brandy where his mouth is
The chance of extremely hot days, such as have been seen across southern Europe this summer has been “greatly increased” by climate change
The former US vice-president and climate campaigner has launched a new film and says “to fix the climate crisis we need to fix democracy”
After notifying the UN that he intends to leave the Paris climate deal, the prospect of Donald Trump doing so seems increasingly uncertain
President Trump says states know better than federal government how to protect the environment, but history shows they are creative at ducking collective problems
Trump’s communication with the UN and media release clarified some details and set the scene for political manoeuvring to come
When Lewis Pugh finished his 22-minute, awareness-raising swim his hands were so frozen he hand to grip onto his photographer with his teeth
A new poll shows the view that climate change is mostly a left-wing concern is prevalent and problematic. It’s time to change the conversation
Whether countries have the legal right to back out of their climate commitments is irrelevant. It’s up to defenders to make sure it hurts them politically
India’s future is still tied to coal and fixing woeful inefficiency of plants will create huge new generation at a price solar cannot match
Despite warm words about protecting the vulnerable, the island presidency of this year’s UN climate talks is showing no urgency on “loss and damage”
Efforts in Hamburg to rally 19 countries to the Paris Agreement were successful, but deeper ambition feels further away
Big companies say they are leading the way to a cleaner future, but with only voluntary disclosures to keep them honest we just have to trust them
Finland’s government has attempted to discredit scientists who criticised its increased logging programme, writes Hanna Aho from NGO Fern
Despite May’s G20 overture to Trump, her government is preparing a divorce from the EU that will have profound negative consequences for the climate