Whether or not rich countries should pay compensation to most vulnerable states expected to prove controversial at UN climate talks
Writing for RTCC, UN climate chief argues a universal climate change agreement is necessary and possible – but only if we migrate from the politics of blame to the politics of opportunity.
No agreed REDD+ text and key decisions postponed, but experts tell RTCC they still have faith in the scheme and believe countries do too
Doha deal was hammered home in 60 seconds, but what was actually agreed during two weeks of intense negotiations?
A brief rundown of the main decisions taken at the COP18 climate talks in Qatar
Climate process likely to get more difficult as 2015 approaches, while European investors call for domestic action to fill finance and emissions gap
Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan could leave the UN’s climate treaty as a result of a late change to the terms of an extension period
Despite promises in election victory speech, there were few signs of newfound urgency on climate change from US delegation at Doha COP18 summit
Latest Climate Action Tracker, published hours after negotiations concluded reports Doha agreement has done nothing to prevent increased global warming
Christiana Figures says once Russian delegate has read texts agreed in Doha he will realise he has nothing to complain about.
COP18: Agreement keeps process on track but does not increase efforts to tackle climate change as science recommends
COP18: Russian outrage at COP decision overshadows extension to Kyoto Protocol
COP18: Environmental NGOs brand Doha climate summit as a missed opportunity, saying coal and oil industry will benefit
COP18: Why have proposals to compensate vulnerable regions for climate-induced disasters suddenly become a make or break issue at the UN negotiations in Doha?
US response in dispute over new financial set up to issue climate compensation to worst hit nations threatens to define UN summit finale
BREAKING: UN adopts extension of Kyoto Protocol, loss and damage accepted, 2015 climate deal still on track
COP18: Campaign group calling on US citizens to email the White House and urge Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to offer more climate funding in Doha
COP18: Arab states say they are ready to submit Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), but have not said when they will do it or how ambitious these will be
COP18: Informal presidency stock take to convene later to establish if a deal is possible tonight, amid rumours ministers may take charge of running talks
COP18: NGO community rallies round poorest countries urging them not to sign up to a watered down deal at the UN climate talks in Doha.