Proponents said their plan to commit 5% of EU GDP to climate action and ending austerity was the first step towards radical global cooperation
Eight countries have submitted a proposal to ramp up European climate action, but not all member states are ready for increased commitment
Government advisors recommend climate target to be hiked to net-zero by 2050, a mark they said would lead the world and mobilise ambition in other countries
Scotland, Wales and many councils have adopted the language of climate urgency, now Labour is pushing the national government to follow suit
Vote share up in mining regions after deal to transition away from coal, manifesto calls for ‘consideration of planetary limits as conditions for economic progress’
Coal mining left Whitehaven in 1986, now it is about to return, bringing promises of jobs and division
A European sustainability pact, massive investments and the EU’s full regulatory power will be needed to address the climate crisis, writes Michel Barnier
After a Brussels summit dominated by trade tensions, the two major powers presented a united front on climate change and clean energy
Brazil’s president has slashed forest and indigenous protections in his first 100 days. As a major importer of soya and beef, the EU should check his power
The ratings agency warns of possible credit downgrades, while the UK’s auto lobby says ‘anti-diesel’ agenda has made targets harder to reach
‘It’s beyond disproportion’, says group that has removed 27 portraits of Emmanuel Macron from town halls, as ‘green scare’ spreads in Europe
‘Slovakia’s Erin Brockovich’ Zuzana Čaputová will promote a green jobs agenda against the country’s traditional backing of heavy industry
A cross-party parliamentary group wants carbon budgets, a higher tax and green agriculture support to reverse the country’s lax policies
A private members bill would compel the UK government to decarbonise the economy and “eradicate inequality”
Xi made common cause with Emmanuel Macron on climate change, amid multi-billion dollar business deals on a 6-day visit to Europe
The EU’s Energy Community neighbours ‘systematically turn a blind eye’ to its state aid rules, a report by the secretariat finds
At a council meeting expected to be dominated by the UK’s attempts to leave the EU, leaders are expected to ignore recent pressure to raise the bloc’s climate targets
France’s worst civil unrest in decades was sparked by an anti-pollution tax, but are the gilets jaunes fighting against climate action?
Both countries face potential general elections and economic problems before the crucial Cop26 meeting and the UK may still be in a Brexit imbroglio
Now its coal commission has recommended a 2038 exit date, Germany can join a global alliance to end coal burning, Svenja Schulze tells Taz newspaper