Despite its huge reliance on old cooling technologies, Delhi can leave a winner from October’s HFC negotiations, argue experts from US green group NRDC
Climate change is the “mother of all risks” says Aviva CEO, and hundreds of billions in annual government assistance to oil, gas and coal is “simply unsustainable”
Luckily for the chances of avoiding global warming, the Paris climate deal isn’t the only game in town. Here’s a rundown of what else is cooking
Researchers in Kenya’s Samburu county find households where at least one member has migrated have the capacity to adopt better adaptation measures
The outsider who came in from the cold: Malcolm Turnbull said tackling climate change “inspires and energises” him, but has he delivered?
Interim president Michel Temer keen to beat US and China in race to formally back Paris climate agreement
New law requires the US economic powerhouse to cut its emissions by 40% below 1990 levels by 2030
An average of 22.5 million people have been displaced by climate or weather-related events since 2008: one answer is access to better forecasts
UK defence and security committee warns country is ill-prepared for conflict with Russia, warns it needs to look to North Pole for future threats
Minister tells Climate Home the 2016 UN climate meeting should focus on decarbonisation, finance and adaptation pathways
Halting tree-felling and land clearance is not enough to save tropical rainforests without programmes of forest restoration in degraded areas, scientists say
Drought and heat have hit Ugandan harvests, but new varieties of seeds and beans could help secure food supplies in vulnerable regions
Coal has entered a structural decline, say experts, leaving gas as the second largest source of carbon behind petroleum
Reports suggest Kerry visit at end of July caused president Duterte to reassess comments on UN global warming pact
Falling costs and rising carbon risks are leading companies located in areas blessed with wind and solar to invest in renewables
Fifty-seven countries accounting for 59.88% of global emissions have now indicated they will sign agreement before end of 2016
Reports indicate Beijing is pushing UN climate deal towards ratification, with 21 September UN climate meeting in New York possible date for announcement
Announcement makes entry into force for Paris deal more likely, but concerns remain over both countries’ weak emission cutting goals
Survey finds that 69% of visitors to the world’s largest coral reef system are motivated by the fear that it might disappear
Record high temperatures in Arctic Russia are believed to be one of the main factors behind the emergence of the deadly anthrax disease in northwestern Siberia