NEWS: Beijing plans to launch national carbon market in 2016 to be mature by 2020, says official
NEWS: Policy action needed by Beijing government for China to reach renewables potential next decade, says new report
ANALYSIS: India wants countries to take responsibility for pollution created abroad by imported products. Could this work—and is it fair?
NEWS: Key Obama advisor says US-China pact could be vulnerable if climate sceptic takes White House in 2016
NEWS: Delhi and Beijing drop opposition to talks on limiting use of climate-warming gases used in refrigeration
ANALYSIS: International support and strong trading links could help Taiwan overcome the China block to UN representation
NEWS: Senators back polluting pipeline but fall one vote short of number needed to move legislation to White House
NEWS: India’s energy minister promises 100 GW of solar power by 2022 across sunny India
NEWS: Supporters of controversial tar sands pipeline need one more vote to pass bill through Senate
NEWS: India stance on highly polluting gas appears to soften as countries meet for ozone treaty discussions
NEWS: Scientists predict a 50% increase this century in the frequency of lightning strikes due to global warming
NEWS: The government in Taipei argues the island state has a unique perspective that should be recognised by the UN
COMMENT: US-China climate deal will take the world towards a catastrophic beyond 4C temperature increase pathway, writes Chandra Bhushan
NEWS: Pressure from US and EU forces Abbott U-turn in Brisbane as global warming heats up summit negotiations
NEWS: US and Japan offer $4.5 billion at G20 talks in Brisbane as efforts to secure fund’s future gather pace
NEWS: Officials suggest Modi government will make a “strategic shift” in climate planning post US-China deal
ANALYSIS: GOP victory in the US midterms was paid for by big energy interests and could hold back Obama’s climate ambition
NEWS: US-China emissions deal puts pressure on Indian government to reveal target, says India’s former environment minister
NEWS: The US is poised to pledge at least $2.5 billion to help poor countries tackle global warming, with Japan contributing $1-1.5bn
COMMENT: Synergies between climate action and top domestic priorities are driving leaders to back green economy, argues Per Klevnas