NEWS: Decline in water flow from Tibetan Plateau likely to exacerbate tensions in region over coming decades
NEWS: President believes cutting pollution levels and deaths from car and power emissions could mobilise public support
ANALYSIS: Proposed EPA rule on power sector emissions gets closer to EU climate ambition
NEWS: Government plan offers prospect of solar boost, but gas, coal and oil likely to remain part of long-term energy mix
NEWS: Rumoured peak in Chinese emissions would still be insufficient to put China on 2C pathway
NEWS: Incoming president of Lima conference warns that countries must be “realistic” about UN climate deal
NEWS: Green groups slam G7 pledge on energy and climate targets, arguing it opens door for gas and coal
NEWS: Beijing sets target to cut CO2 from refrigerant chemicals by 280m tonnes by end of 2015, defusing HFC ‘carbon bomb’
NEWS: Gulf Research Center expert tells RTCC social injustice linked to fossil fuel heavy economy is driving regional anger
NEWS: Country’s seventh carbon market could lay foundations for national ETS by 2018
ANALYSIS: Writing for China Dialogue, Beijing-based Greenpeace campaigner says emissions will need to peak before 2030
NEWS: Carbon Tracker warns banks to be wary of lending to coal producers, citing the risk of stranded assets as China cuts CO2 emissions
NEWS: EU hopes news that it is overachieving on greenhouse gas reductions will boost ambition at this week’s UN climate talks
NEWS: Emissions cap is latest effort from Chinese government designed to target country’s rising pollution
NEWS: Submission to UN warns countries are unlikely to make ambitious emission reduction promises ahead of Paris
NEWS: Launch of Chinese national carbon market would galvanise global climate action
NEWS: Yvo de Boer says tough new legislation will send global message that US is serious about 2015 Paris deal
NEWS: Extreme heat has claimed many lives in India this year, and scientists say it can only get worse
NEWS: Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger says new demand cutting target will be proposed in September
NEWS: US military officials say threat from global warming is evident, calling for focus on efficiency and clean energy systems