Geo-engineering could lower global temperatures but could also damage seasonal rainfall patterns, a study says
China and Mexico latest to bring trading schemes online as countries eye greenhouse gas reductions
Friday’s top 5: Lord Browne says fracking will not decrease energy bills, China to raise coal threshold, Oil drilling in Pechora Sea to begin in 2014, Australian bushfires linked to Indian Ocean temperature increase, Big six told to hold price increase
Divestment campaign kicks off in US capital city as authorities debate moving retirement funds from fossil fuels
Thursday’s top five: Beijing launches carbon trading scheme, Poland starts fracking, Jordan builds first major wind farm
Wednesday’s top five: fossil fuels banned, EU car emissions limited, Solomon Islands face economic crisis, Kiribati resident refused climate refugee status
Over 190 companies started trading carbon credits in Shanghai today, with another scheme in Beijing set to launch next week
Morning summary: Greenpeace activists emerge from jail with mixed reactions to protest methods; Scottish minister accuses UK prime minister of ‘planetary suicide’
Marshall Islands minister welcomes Mexico as latest signatory to high climate ambition deal
Venezuela accuses EU of “damaging” process as contentious talks on emission reductions go public
US and EU say new agreement must erase old divisions between developed and developing nations – but others disagree
EU has confirms budget for next seven years, directing €180bn towards climate finance, with €15bn to go towards developing countries
UN chief says people “feeling wrath of warming planet”, and calls on China, EU and USA to drive forward negotiations in Warsaw
Stanford University reports majority in every state polled wants limits on greenhouse gas emissions
Professor Jiang Kejun from Beijing’s Energy Research Institute outlines how China could lose its coal addiction
Report says company would take 33rd place in Greenhouse 100 Polluters Index if included, just behind Chevron
Negotiations in Warsaw move up a gear this week, as countries scramble to resolve outstanding issues
Australia and Japan’s decision to downgrade climate targets leaves EU shouldering heavy expectations
The projects located in Southern California and Arizona will power over 17,000 homes
A coalition of African groups has asked governments across the continent to withdraw from talks as developed countries fail to mobilise finance