Next UN climate talks host already working with 2015 President France. Reassures issues within the EU will not affect its influence on the talks
Research from capaign group Sandbag reveals rush to exploit loophole floods EU ETS with excess credits as surplus approaches 1.7bn
Lead negotiator assures nations at UN climate talks second commitment period will be ratified by member states in 2013
Proposal to tackle HFCs outside of the UN’s climate process finds wide support as nations look for quick cuts to global emissions
US and EU historic emissions are vast but growth in China and India has tipped balance
UK House of Lords committee says the money is available but governments need to clear the path to ensure vital investment can take place during the next decade
New EU cars emitting 9% less CO2 than three years ago as climate legislation targeting passenger vehicles kicks-in
CDM Executive Board chief Peer Stiansen says it’s vital EU emissions trading scheme is backed by governments
Joe Curtin from the IIEA asks if the rejection of EU ETS “backloading” is a minor hiccup or the beginning of the end?
As governments prepare to meet in Bonn to discuss a proposed 2015 climate treaty, RTCC looks at the opening positions of the USA, EU, China and India
RTCC’s daily round-up of the top climate change and green economy stories from around the world
Agreement will see the production of potent gases linked to global warming phased out by 2030
Draft law putting a 95g per km limit on new cars by 2020 approved by committee
Dr Manmohan Singh told ministers at last week’s Clean Energy Ministerial India was committed to low carbon – but evidence on the ground remains thin
Second rejection of reforms in June could finish emissions trading scheme off warns EU presidency and Climate Commissioner Hedegaard
RTCC’s daily round-up of the top climate change and green economy stories from around the world
Chief Executive Officer Paul Polman says company’s sustainability targets need ambitious action from world leaders
Former chief climate change diplomat on UK Treasury, Canada, Kyoto, ‘legal nihilism’ at UNFCCC and why it’s time for a new model of economic growth
With its emissions trading scheme in tatters, the EU may struggle to demonstrate it’s still a climate leader – but as Joe Curtin argues – it’s vital it plays a role
Guardian: Connie Hedegaard’s attempts to introduce longer-term reforms will face fierce opposition from a powerful business lobby