Frustrated by a lack of recognition of Africa’s special needs on climate, advisers are calling on national leaders to unite behind a common agenda in Sharm el-Sheikh
Nigerian and Senegalese leaders have criticised western countries for pledging to stop funding gas projects internationally, calling for exceptions to be made
Tiny Nauru is behind a push to fast-track talks on mining rules for the deep seabed, which could see fragile habitats opened to exploitation as early as 2023
President Xi Jinping promised to share around a quarter of China’s pandemic recovery boost with Africa, more than European and American countries
Tim Wilson, an elected official in Australia’s energy ministry, slammed a proposal for an expert climate commission
Millions of residents in India’s capital are suffering under the winter smog, prompting the country’s highest court to hold government to account
Scott Morrison is doubling down on fossil fuel production with new gas basins and pipelines in a plan slammed by climate campaigners
The Polisario Front has released an unofficial climate plan for the Sahrawi people, saying Morocco has built wind and solar farms on their land without consent
A “traffic light coalition” of centre-left, green and pro-business parties has agreed to strengthen climate policies in the next German government
An estimated 13-20 million workers in India depend on coal assets for their livelihoods, raising the need for a transition plan and financial support
The proposed reform to the EU’s farming subsidy programme continues a business-as-usual approach to farming that we cannot afford in a climate emergency
After announcing a 2060 net zero goal at Cop26, the oil producing nation will set up a national council to oversee the implementation of its climate plan
With the US refusing to budge on the text of the Glasgow agreement, African nations reluctantly accepted a promise of stronger voluntary support
In a surprise joint statement, the world’s two top emitters agreed to work together in a range of areas to keep the goals of the Paris Agreement “within reach”
Major backers of coal, oil and gas projects will stop supporting them from 2023, instead backing clean energy in other countries
The package was hailed as “groundbreaking” for being country-led and addressing a need to reskill and support coal miners
Many Asian countries see gas as a “transition fuel” away from coal, while Brussels is urging the region to go straight to renewables
Narendra Modi upped India’s climate ambition while calling for more climate finance from developed countries
Despite its status as a major oil and gas producer, there are signs of climate action on many levels in Russia that deserve to be taken seriously
Analysts say a severe power crunch facing the country and the incremental rise in ambition from other large emitters like the US deterred Beijing from raising ambition