This year’s UN summit comes at a “highly congested” period in Santiago, the hosts say, but a plea to move it to January was overruled
Countries failed to agree on a Swiss resolution to consider regulating technologies that aim to cool the planet, at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi
Once basic energy is established in disconnected regions, the companies that supply it hope to cash in on demand for a slew of new products and services
UN staff and delegates to the UN Environment Assembly, which opened in Nairobi on Monday, were among 157 to die on the way from Addis Ababa
Adding Northern Ireland to the environment law adds pressure on London to keep its regulations in step with the EU’s
The original New Deal spurred a massive increase in greenhouse gas emissions, so can it be successfully adapted for the transition away from fossil fuels?
French proponent ‘pleased’ Macron has backed a new institution, although the president’s support was left deliberately vague, said a government official
‘Whatever else are the defects of the EU – that is a good working model,’ the environment secretary told MPs
As invasive water hyacinth chokes fishing communities, the World Bank launches a third phase of investment to try and restore the degraded lake
Plaintiffs from six European countries and the US argue biomass does more harm than good and should be not be counted as a renewable energy source
Economist Pierre Larrouturou and climate scientist Jean Jouzel are leading a call to mobilise funds on a large scale, backed by more than 600 political figures
President Carlos Alvarado Quesada has launched an economy-wide plan to slash his country’s greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century
The environment ministry is calling to hike the target to 95% and ensure that any remaining emissions are removed
Widely dismissed as a symbolic victory in 2015, the blocking of a major pipeline project has forced Canada’s oil patch to limit its output, vindicating activists
The levy will make polluters report and pay for their emissions, but experts say the starting rate is too low to spur a rapid shift to clean energy
Joênia Wapichana helped to win land titles for five indigenous groups in Brazil’s far north, but the president is threatening to re-open the area to white farmers and miners
In a statement on Monday, the European Council said UN chief Antonio Guterres’ summit in September is “an essential opportunity” to ramp up national commitments
The Citizen’s Assembly could become a model for developing informed, fair and ambitious climate policy – if the government accepts its recommendations
As a movement grows across the world, young people say they want politicians to protect their interests
Jeremy Corbyn meets AOC advisor to discuss US green stimulus package, while inside Labour, two camps are forming different proposals for a UK version