With indigenous land demarcations frozen across Brazil, illegal mining and hydro dams threaten the Amazon. Communities are taking matters into their own hands
On a state visit to Beijing, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau struck a deal that will weave climate action into a potential trade agreement
Despite desperately toxic air and powerful anti-pollution legislation, not a single case has been taken up against polluters in India’s capital
Urban demands for cleaner air have left residents of surrounding towns without heating and cooking as coal systems are ripped out and gas supply falters
Australia’s former prime minister talks about the failure of his country’s climate policy, the rise of China and the Carmichael coal mine
‘It was cruel what we went through’. As the UK weighs whether to allow its ailing mines to stumble on, community activists ask when enough is enough?
Rex Tillerson is headed for the exit, according to reports, to be replaced by a vocal opponent of climate action
Wellington wants to give a home to Pacific island neighbours threatened by sea level rise. Here are six things to consider
Queensland Labor looks certain to form government promising to veto a public loan, observers say that puts the southern hemisphere’s biggest coal project in serious doubt
Letter from top officials to the president of the EIB said Europe’s commitment to the pipeline ‘must not wane’ and called for publicly-backed loans
The Trump administration is set to ratify the Kigali Amendment to phase down potent warming HFC gases, while helping fund poor countries to make the switch
The Green Party will only join a coalition promising to close at least 7GW of coal power capacity by 2020, its lawmakers say, as Germany likely faces another election
The US has always been an unreliable actor on climate change. This month’s sideshow to UN talks in Bonn only emphasised its internal conflicts
At least 14 green groups have shut down since falling foul of Moscow’s anti-spy legislation, according to Human Rights Watch
Christiana Figueres warns subsidising Adani’s controversial Carmichael mega-mine would damage Australia’s reputation abroad
French president said Europe must step into the leadership role the US had abandoned, while Angela Merkel struggled with Germany’s political uncertainty
“The future of our planet cannot tolerate us continually burning coal,” said the minister for environment of the tiny Pacific state
Local politicians are colluding with gangs to undermine rainforest protection, Luciano Evaristo tells delegates at UN climate talks in Bonn
The US came to sell fossil fuels as a solution to climate change, but were interrupted by protests as the divided US arrived in Bonn
Mobile applications and online forums help young Africans make a living from farming amid changing weather, delegates hear on the sidelines of climate talks in Bonn