Look back on a year of weird weather and clean energy breakthroughs around the world
In the first in our 2016 in review series, Chatham House’s Duncan Brack reflects on the UN deal to curb HFC use that was agreed in October
As drought hits crop yields and livelihoods, Kenya approves the first of a planned fleet of plants to get drinking water from the ocean
Lawyers are gearing up for a courtroom battle over some of the most carbon intensive supplies in the world
Over 115 million acres of Arctic will be free from oil and gas exploration under decrees by leaders of US and Canada
Businessmen who have secured contracts to build massive gas pipeline linking EU and Azerbaijan were convicted for tender rigging and bribery
Correspondence with the federal regulator reveals oil major is in discussions with others to offload drilling rights in environmentally sensitive region
Small-scale farmers who produce most of the world’s coffee beans face reductions in crop yield and quality as a result of rising temperatures and extreme weather
Spain, Italy and Eastern European countries resisted reforms to boost the flagging carbon price at a ministerial meeting on Monday
After the World Bank ducks responsibility for harm caused by botched coal mine expansion, community leaders plan to sue at human rights court in Strasbourg
Draft government plan finds no need for new coal stations beyond those already under construction, calls for massive renewable energy push
Former Ireland president Mary Robinson says incoming administration must live up to the country’s commitments or be ostracised
Claimant living under the threat of flooding from melting glaciers is likely to appeal to a higher German court, says lawyer
Leading climate economist says environmentalists should be alert but not pessimistic over the impact of Trump’s presidency, reports the Guardian
Latest tweak to flagship climate policy will send a bullish signal to the market, say analysts, but a surplus of carbon allowances remains
Jose Sarney Filho is at loggerheads with the rural lobby in Congress over a bill to tear up environmental protections
Voluntary rules for climate disclosure will force companies to evaluate role and strategy in a carbon-constrained world, say experts
Support to polluting plants may breach EU state aid rules, warns think-tank IEEFA
Green groups react with horror as oil magnate with strong links to Russia and history of obstructing climate policies is chosen to head up US diplomatic department
The Sierra Club, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth are among US NGOs benefitting from surging support to fight Donald Trump’s anti-green agenda