NEWS: NDP government targets sweeping carbon tax, coal phase-out to clean up No 1 regional emitter’s act before Canadian Premiers meet to talk Paris
NEWS: GOP demands vote on White House $3bn pledge in gambit to weaken US authority at COP21
NEWS: Caribbean island needs more than seawalls to keep coastal erosion at bay. Time for a long-term vision backed by business, say researchers
NEWS: Canadian city to warn burning fossil fuels causes climate change with compulsory notices in gas stations
NEWS: Senate vote to block flagship Clean Power Plan aims to “create confusion and uncertainty” before US finalises international pact
PROFILE: Stung into action by a student protester, Todd Stern has forged climate consensus with China with a hostile Congress at his back
NEWS: Secretary of state says New Delhi is focus of US diplomacy push, rejects notion that Paris may deliver new legally binding treaty
NEWS: White House takes symbolic step to axe giant oil project as world prepares for Paris pact to curb greenhouse gas emissions
US secretary of state calls for upcoming Dubai Montreal Protocol meet to agree tough curbs on gases used in air conditioning and fridges
NEWS: Obama administration reportedly gets Japan on board to phase out controversial coal export credits
Pope Francis and Xi Jinping are raising the profile of climate change in Washington, says ex White House staffer and Center for American Progress senior fellow
NEWS: Todd Stern tells Capitol Hill committee new UN climate deal will be crafted under existing treaties, bypassing requirements for lawmaker approval
NEWS: Bloc seen phasing out dirty fuel driven by United States, but Japan remains stubborn advocate says report
NEWS: Leading multinationals sign up to Obama climate pledge as president braces for GOP showdown over plans for COP21 Paris deal
NEWS: Justin Trudeau election victory braces Canada for a climate policy refit, but observers hesitant to predict major overhauls
ANALYSIS: Election win for frontrunner Liberals would restore reputation battered by incumbent, says ex-opposition leader Stephane Dion
NEWS: Obama administration and businesses announce cuts to super-warming gases ahead of ozone layer treaty meet
NEWS: After spending US$7 billion on exploration in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea, company finds insufficient oil to continue controversial venture
NEWS: Beijing offers billions to help developing countries, promises to scale back carbon intensive investments
NEWS: Superpowers closer on mutual plans for Paris deal, China to contribute climate finance and open carbon market in 2017