NEWS: Rising US carbon emissions pose a challenge to president Barack Obama’s climate leadership ambitions
ANALYSIS: The world’s superpowers have woken from their climate coma, but there is still much work to do towards a global deal
NEWS: It is climate change, not curbs on coal power, that will hurt the US economy, argues Gina McCarthy
NEWS: US secretary of state pledges US$15 million to World Bank scheme to curb methane emissions
NEWS: Washington calls for initial five-year commitment period, promises to deliver carbon cuts plan by March 2015
NEWS: Administration agrees to extend consultations for 45 days to allow affected industries to analyse proposals
NEWS: Obama administration says latest voluntary moves to cut potent warming gases are proof it is taking tough climate action
NEWS: Researchers say US southwest is expected to become steadily more arid as planetary temperatures soar
NEWS: Australia lacks gravitas to cast off climate talk, with US and China likely to put pressure on Tony Abbott
NEWS: As Julian Assange prepares to leave his hideaway, we recall the top Wikileaks releases on climate change
NEWS: US and Australian government saw convergence on climate during annual meeting, despite polarised domestic policies
NEWS: Countries join with alliance representing eight countries to tackle menace of fumes from burning fossil fuels
NEWS: Series of public hearings into new carbon cuts reveals deep concerns many US citizens have on climate policy
NEWS: Scientists say controversial pipeline would have discernible impact on global markets, lowering prices and boosting demand
NEWS: Coal states are fighting pollution curbs as Obama highlights costs of wildfire worsened by climate change
NEWS: Hydropower is a key plank of US$5 billion World Bank investment in electricity for Africa
NEWS: US government researchers say state’s economy is threatened by rise in ocean carbon dioxide levels
NEWS: Failure to factor immediate action on climate change into American policies will lead to havoc, warns former US Trade Secretary
NEWS: High level Delhi negotiations end with agreement to boost clean tech cooperation and efficiency standards
NEWS: Indian environment minister calls for cooperation and technology sharing with US ahead of UN talks