The Biden administration is consulting on scaled-back oil development in federal waters, after a judge warned against a total ban
The international climate community sees a ruling to curtail the EPA’s powers as further weakening Joe Biden’s ability to deliver on his climate goals
Joe Biden has suspended import tariffs on solar panels produced in four southeast Asian nations for two years to reboot stalled solar installations
Without more money coming in, the Green Climate Fund’s head warned that the pipeline of carbon-cutting projects in developing countries would have to be cut
The Biden Administration committed to deliver $11.4 billion a year in climate finance by 2024, but Congress approved a mere fraction of that
While the US president has had some climate wins abroad, domestic action has been held back by the Senate, the courts and rising fuel prices
During a trip to Brussels, the US presidential climate envoy told Euractiv in an interview it was unconstitutional to mandate a coal exit for states
In a surprise joint statement, the world’s two top emitters agreed to work together in a range of areas to keep the goals of the Paris Agreement “within reach”
Ten days before Cop26 climate talks, president Joe Biden’s climate policies are being blocked by coal state senator Joe Manchin, weakening his hand internationally
Joe Biden has been unable to appoint ambassadors to capitals including Beijing and Delhi due to the Texas senator’s anti-Nord Stream 2 crusade
Ursula Von der Leyen called out the US for failing to deliver its fair share of climate cash – an issue poor nations say is critical to success at Cop26
The US has the opportunity to make fossil-free public finance a new international norm ahead of Cop26 – but that requires ending its support for gas
Gas-fired power projects in Thailand and South Africa could be affected by a shift in US development finance policy to back clean energy over fossil fuels
US export credit agency Exim bank has provided $16.14 billion in loans and guarantees to Pemex since 1998, with recent funds going to the site of the fire
With a US-EU summit scheduled following the G7 meeting, Biden and EU leaders have an opportunity to usher in a new era of collaboration on climate action
Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered a plan to phase out oil and gas production in California by 2045, but the industry won’t go down without a fight
Joe Biden made a start on restoring US climate credibility after four lost years, with finance and emissions pledges, but campaigners say more is needed
The US is expected to unveil a stronger emissions target and call for higher ambition from big emitters at a leaders’ summit on Thursday
Now the US is back in the Paris Agreement, it is expected to set a 2030 emissions target, with campaigners calling for at least 50% cuts
Trees are worth much more to humanity alive than dead, say 500 scientists in an open letter to leaders in the EU, US and East Asia