Critics say Rex Tillerson’s restructuring will further diminish US’ standing in international affairs
As science tying disasters to climate change becomes increasingly accurate, victims could seek legal redress for failure to plan for predictable events
Reports the devastating storm was made worse by humanity’s carbon emissions fail to grasp climate change is not just about warming
Coal will continue to produce roughly three-quarters of India’s electricity, says body charged with central planning, as it lays out plan to boost mining production
When big polluters come knocking with research money tainted by climate denial, what should academics do?
This week’s top climate change stories. Sign up to have our newsletter sent to your inbox
Sovcomflot vessel cut through thinning sea ice on the northern sea route to carry its cargo of fuel from Norway to South Korea in record time
The Center for Biological Diversity is seeking documents that influenced the US president’s decision to leave the Paris climate agreement
The global temperature goal started life as a back-of-the-envelope guess but become a powerful principle for political organising
Satellite images show evidence of the Islamic State’s scorched earth tactics as militants lose territory to Western-backed Iraqi forces
Friends and colleagues remember Tony de Brum as a fighter for nuclear justice and a safe climate future, after his death in Majuro aged 72
De Brum, who witnessed the destructive power of nuclear weapons as a child, won justice for his tiny country against formidable economic and political odds
In the Caribbean and Pacific, islanders are already hit by climate change, but lack tools to measure the damages for leverage in international negotiations
In its biggest project to date, the UN’s flagship climate finance scheme is putting $150m towards developing wind, hydro and solar power in Egypt
This week’s top climate change stories. Sign up to have our newsletter sent to your inbox
Trump’s US remains firmly in the Paris climate deal. Richard Black reckons that’s how it will stay and he’s prepared to put his brandy where his mouth is
The chance of extremely hot days, such as have been seen across southern Europe this summer has been “greatly increased” by climate change
The former US vice-president and climate campaigner has launched a new film and says “to fix the climate crisis we need to fix democracy”
Quota on the production of electric cars by 2030 would be mandatory, according to sources
Government loses vote on bill noting the government’s ‘failure to protect’ reef on day of chaos in Canberra