Is green the new black? Faced by falling oil prices and plunging profits, big oil companies are investing in renewables and clean energy
A huge glacier in the frozen wastes of East Antarctica, a region previously thought stable, could melt much faster than expected, scientists say.
ExxonMobil and Chevron face shareholder revolt over their carbon budget-busting business models this week, while Swedish parliament debates Vattenfall lignite sale
Report hails US plans to close 100GW of coal power, contrasting it with Tokyo’s policy to support polluting fossil fuel domestically and abroad
The latest report from UNEP says that global costs of adaptation could range from US $140-300 billion by 2030. It’s time to get innovative on sources of finance
Paris Agreement on climate change moves forward after agenda deal, India boils, renewables surge and Trump issues more threats
Canadian provincial government hits out at ‘misguided dogma’ as Fort McMurray blaze polarises oil pipeline debate
The world’s governments have committed to moving away from fossil fuels, but rupturing the oil, gas and coal industry will affect the lives of millions
Spat on the sidelines of Bonn climate talks exposes tough choices on the pathway to stabilise global greenhouse gas emissions
Incoming executive secretary of UN climate convention says she regards 2016 as the year of “implementation”, urging countries to act swiftly
Carbon trading and a green investment fund underpin Ontario plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions 80% from 1990 levels by 2050
Shallow seas and a steep tidal range make for the best electricity generation potential
From Portugal to Pakistan, small farmers to major corporations, renewables are gaining momentum in the market
Diplomats seem unruffled from attack on global climate talks as Republican claims US got a bad deal in French capital
Government says subsidy cut is vital to rebalance budget, but opposition brand decision “evil” and a “rigmarole”
Banking chief joins CEOs of Aviva, AXA and Swiss RE in supporting initiative to help poor countries cope with projected climate threats
Women now hold six of the most influential positions at global climate talks, but can they make a difference on the ground?
Climate sceptic candidate threatens to kneecap global climate pact if he wins US election later this year
Host nation of seminal UN climate summit calls on others to maintain momentum
Concerted drive to ratify Paris deal could be last chance for vulnerable nations to ensure warming is kept at safe levels