NEWS: Greenhouse gas taxes and markets worth some US$50 billion worldwide, says report, with interest growing ahead of Paris climate pact
NEWS: More than 6.5 companies back call on policymakers to set a path to go carbon neutral “well before the end of the century”
NEWS: At Climate Week Paris, French insurer announces biggest fossil fuel divestment push to date, encouraging others to follow
NEWS: ‘Stress tests’ for international finance from rising climate impacts, as UN report calls for banking cultural shift
ANALYSIS: Notre Dame or a Durban township? Sustainability advocates are divided on the best way to push the energy efficiency message
NEWS: ‘Surprise’ thinning of Antarctic region ice sheet revealed by Cryo-Sat2 after five years of measurements, study finds
NEWS: Heads of Statoil, Glencore and Total use Paris summit to register climate concern but dismiss fears assets are dangerous
ANALYSIS: Rising temperatures linked to phenomenon could add weight to calls for tough new climate deal in Paris this year
NEWS: Japan delivers $1.5 billion to allow funds for clean energy projects in developing world to start flowing ahead of Paris summit
NEWS: Study shows dirtiest publicly-traded energy companies pump out more emissions a year than the US, Japan and Russia combined
BLOG: High emissions aren’t hip, say Nike, Renault and M&S chiefs trying hard to rebrand a carbon-lite lifestyle
NEWS: World must embrace deeper emissions cuts, biofuels and carbon storage in last stab at limiting long term costs for planet, study says
NEWS: CEOs of Unilever, L’Oreal, BNP Paribas, RWE and Total outline their plans to tackle climate change at Paris summit
NEWS: White House report stresses national security dangers posed if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise
NEWS: French President’s remarks chime with other business leaders at conference six months before Paris hosts crunch UN talks
NEWS: Developed countries must cut carbon deepest and deliver finance pledge, say emerging economies central to crunch summit
Latest news, commentary and analysis as business leaders meet in French capital to discuss plans to address climate change
NEWS: The Asian giant is funnelling cash into mega-projects, but not clean energy, as Amazon railways and canals take shape
NEWS: Hungary’s president boosts plan to collect a billion-signature petition aimed at pressuring politicians ahead of Paris summit
NEWS: Growing economic links with China are helping Pakistan tap into its enormous solar energy potential