NEWS: Secretary of State Ed Davey writes to Commission, says credibility of Brussels leadership on climate change is at stake
COMMENT: Brussels wins the prize for announcing its climate pledge first, but it has missed an opportunity to ensure Paris helps poorer countries
NEWS: Brussels climate chief Canete says US and China must follow EU and reveal commitments to a 2015 UN pact
NEWS: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell plans a new vote no later than 3 March, but override looks unlikely
NEWS: Parliament votes to hold back oversupply of carbon allowances in “game changing” move for EU climate action
NEWS: Scientists says 1% chance of two decade hiatus – but once it ends, expect rapid rise in temperatures to begin
ANALYSIS: As IPCC gathers for a week of soul-searching, scientists suggest something must be done about mammoth reports
COMMENT: In the first of a series of columns from the Marshall Islands, poet Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner reflects on the cultural dimensions of climate change
NEWS: Adding huge carbon sinks to UN climate pledge could let other sectors face lighter carbon cuts and weaken 2030 goal
ANALYSIS: UK greens hope to copy success of European cousins, but questions remain over how ambitious policies will be funded
NEWS: UN science chief resigns as sexual harassment investigation takes place in India
NEWS: Rajendra Pachauri will miss IPCC meeting, instead remaining in India where a police investigation is underway
NEWS: A decline in levels of aerosols in the atmosphere will make it easier to forecast the speed of climate change, scientists have found
NEWS: Commission wants UN to target global goal of cutting carbon emissions 60% below 2010 levels by 2050
NEWS: Ed Miliband pledges to make climate change a priority issue if Labour wins general election in May
NEWS: Hollande will be joined by actors Jeremy Irons and Marion Cotillard in trip to Haiyan-struck areas of Philippines
NEWS: Building on success in Beijing, the State Department hopes to mobilise action in India, Vietnam and Mongolia
NEWS: UN health body calls for more government funds to slow spread of malaria, dengue and other mosquito-borne viruses
NEWS: America’s third largest bank has channeled more than US$50 billion into climate friendly projects since 2007
NEWS: Left behind by men seeking work in Russia, Tajik’s mountain women are learning to deploy solar systems to keep warm