ANALYSIS: Data suggest that consumers at present are still very fickle and will consume more oil as fossil fuel prices fall
INTERVIEW: Climate sceptic mayor of New Jersey town goes on Arctic pilgrimage in search for answers about global warming
NEWS: The musician behind smash hit Happy will head up concerts worldwide on 18 June to build momentum for a global climate deal
NEWS: US president uses State of Union speech to mock climate sceptics and says green policies will help most vulnerable in society
NEWS: The Teesside Collective could become the first industrial zone in Europe to neutralise up to 90% of its emissions
NEWS: Senior Australian Labor Party MP says radicalisation of right could see low carbon policies quickly axed
NEWS: World Coal Association admits that divestment is a concern for the industry, but says it won’t dent growth
FEATURE: Mexico, Switzerland and South Korea form a small but influential group that could be critical in building a Paris deal
NEWS: Christiana Figueres says there is evidence that fossil fuel investors are already being hit as projects become unviable
NEWS: Rising temperatures and low rainfall endanger the survival of centuries-old Quechua lifestyle in Sacred Valley of the Incas
BLOG: How would the State of the Union address look if Obama turned environmentalist? 350’s Jamie Henn conducts a rewrite
NEWS: Prime minister seeks solar solidarity ahead of US president Barack Obama’s visit
NEWS: WWF conservation and science expert will advise UN secretary general in approach to Paris talks
NEWS: Tony Abbott’s backtracking on climate action has made it more expensive for Australia to cut emissions, warns RepuTex
NEWS: The Pope called on young Filipinos to take care of the planet, after visiting Haiyan-struck town of Tacloban
NEWS: One degree of warming could slash wheat yields by 42 million tonnes and cause devastating shortages of this vital staple food
COMMENT: Climate change is about politics, and we need wise leaders over the coming 11 months, says UK’s former chief climate diplomat
COMMENT: A recent study put the social cost of emitting a tonne of carbon dioxide at US$220. An EU allowance costs $8. Why the gap?
ANALYSIS: From old seafarers to modern scientists, RTCC looks at the past and the present of temperature records
BLOG: As Pope Francis visits the Philippines, Tacloban citizens make a video appeal for climate justice