NEWS: Even icy Lapland faces diminished snowfall as Finland warms over twice the rate of global average
ANALYSIS: As the world’s second biggest exporter of emissions, Russia should lobby for consumers to take responsibility, say economists
BLOG: Springtime burning of savannah and forest in the southern hemisphere shows up in latest satellite images
COMMENT: Climate negotiations must take increased human mobility into account, argues the head of the International Organization for Migration
NEWS: Sea ice levels showing signs of recovery, but rising temperatures spell radical change for polar region
COMMENT: It’s time for global climate negotiations to deliver results, argues Saleemul Huq, reflecting on the recent Lima set of talks
NEWS: Governor Jay Inslee hopes to launch emissions trading system in 2016, says it is “the smart thing to do”
NEWS: Lethal heat waves, ice storms and big freezes could become regular events if greenhouse gas emissions are not controlled
ANALYSIS: Tax oil, wipe out emissions by 2050, divide up a carbon budget: how high could the Paris climate agreement aim?
NEWS: Rainforests are the “sweat glands” of the world and losses could wreak havoc with farming, researchers warn
ANALYSIS: Female representation in UN climate talks is increasing; on the ground, women are still marginalised
NEWS: Move by Brussels offers some integrity to beleaguered treaty, one year before UN hopes to agree global climate deal
NEWS: Chinese central government will set regional caps on emissions and leave distribution of permits to provincial authorities
COMMENT: Citizen-led initiatives in the developing world have the potential to transform cities for the good
NEWS: Calls for climate compensation from top polluters likely to grow as odds on warming years plummet
NEWS: Since the decline of fur trapping, beaver populations have exploded, increasing methane generation from dammed ponds
NEWS: The Peruvian government is seeking to extradite activists who damaged world heritage site, on charges that carry 6-year jail sentence
NEWS: UK prime minister calls on Canberra to step up and make a greater contribution to cutting climate-warming emissions
NEWS: Experts warn coal use is growing unsustainably, in the absence of effective regulation or support for low carbon development
ANALYSIS: No one country can leave Peru saying it got everything it wanted, but the building blocks of a global deal remain in place