COMMENT: President Christopher Loeak issues rallying call to leaders ahead of Ban Ki-moon summit, as ocean threatens to flood his islands
COMMENT: Lead climate negotiator for least developed countries says he wants firm commitments at New York summit
NEWS: Leading corporations have endorsed campaigns to slash emissions and promote carbon pricing
NEWS: Film will debut in front of world leaders attending Ban Ki-moon’s New York summit next week
NEWS: Leading pension funds say they want to back green economy but need greater policy certainty from governments
ANALYSIS: Ban Ki-moon’s summit next week is a chance to alert financiers to climate risk, but will they get the message?
NEWS: UN secretary general and climate chief both expected to attend New York rally, with over 100000 expected
NEWS: Sydney Opera House at risk as rising sea levels sea levels linked to climate change threaten Australian coast
COMMENT: UN efforts to protect forests in developing countries must also show economic benefits
COMMENT: An independent Scotland – or the rest of the UK it leaves behind – will not hold much sway at climate talks
NEWS: Natural disasters created 22 million refugees in 2013, report finds, warning that climate change could worsen trend
NEWS: Actor will speak at Ban Ki-moon climate summit, where leaders gather next week to curb greenhouse gas emissions
NEWS: Administration agrees to extend consultations for 45 days to allow affected industries to analyse proposals
NEWS: Climate Bonds Initiative rejects idea that coal companies could use the green label to raise finance
Current government models assume perfect markets and no costs from pollution, skewing views on policies to cut carbon
NEWS: Calls for long term carbon cutting strategy grow louder as countries prepare for Ban Ki-moon meeting
NEWS: Sign a UN deal, phase out fossil fuel subsidies, and price carbon – a new climate report has produced a hefty to-do list
NEWS: Obama administration says latest voluntary moves to cut potent warming gases are proof it is taking tough climate action
NEWS: Researchers warn that climate change could worsen California droughts by reducing water flow from Sierra Nevada mountains
NEWS: US Agency confirms further record breaking temperatures for 2014, as California drought continues