NEWS: Plans are afoot to move an entire town to the mainland as climate impacts threaten to wipe out Taro Island
NEWS: Technology alone will not cut transport emissions enough, say researchers – the rich must travel less
INTERVIEW: Climate scientists can learn from weather forecasters about giving practical advice, says meteorological expert
COMMENT: As they age, Pacific youth could watch their homelands sink to a watery myth. They’re not going down without a fight
NEWS: Tar sands and deep sea oil projects are bad for business as well as the environment, analysts warn
NEWS: Scientific studies show increasing human impact on glaciers; Antarctic ice melt faster than thought
NEWS: People’s Climate March spreads across six countries, as activists aim to raise the profile of UN climate summit
COMMENT: Experts refute claims that Tuvalu family asylum could open floodgates for others fleeing climate impacts
NEWS: Global tidal power set to hit 180MW by 2020 says Bloomberg, a fall on previous estimates
NEWS: US and Australian government saw convergence on climate during annual meeting, despite polarised domestic policies
NEWS: Low odds of new prime minister attending key meeting, with claims it clashes with travel schedule
INTERVIEWS: A new generation of post-Communist youth are leading the fight against climate change in the Balkans
NEWS: Latest meeting of leading emerging economies ends with leadership challenge to developed world
BLOG: Aerial footage could assess flood defences and offer early warning for water companies charged with protecting households
NEWS: A Swedish bank is beating major global players as top underwriter to the green bond market
NEWS: New data from Bloomberg offers positive outlook for Central America renewables investments
NEWS: Fears over a funding crunch are affecting trust ahead of 2015 Paris deal, says Ecuador’s chief climate negotiator
ANALYSIS: Not all youths protest. Some have become part of official government delegations. What can they achieve?
BLOG: Medical scientists urge Australian prime minister Tony Abbott to put climate change on Brisbane G20 agenda
NEWS: Hundreds expected at Reclaim the Power anti-fracking camp, while industry is accused of “misleading” poll and government redacts shale gas report