An order of 200 electric cars have already been placed initially for the Chinese market
The International Energy Agency says $150 billion per year would be needed to achieve increase
Understanding what happens on the deep ocean floor should help scientists construct more accurate climate models
Geo-engineering could lower global temperatures but could also damage seasonal rainfall patterns, a study says
China and Mexico latest to bring trading schemes online as countries eye greenhouse gas reductions
Loss and damage mechanism was a victory for developing countries, but its success will depend on work done in months ahead experts tell RTCC
Monday’s top 5: Millennials to push low carbon economy, Shanghai smog hides city, Australia’s carbon tax repeal could be “unworkable”
Coal lobbyist Milton Catelin says Christiana Figueres is too focused on climate change and misunderstands energy sector
The store uses natural gas and recycled water and has installed solar panels to hit zero emissions target
Mahindra Racing is the first Indian team to join Formula E Championship for electric vehicles, boosting the industry
Friday’s top 5: Lord Browne says fracking will not decrease energy bills, China to raise coal threshold, Oil drilling in Pechora Sea to begin in 2014, Australian bushfires linked to Indian Ocean temperature increase, Big six told to hold price increase
Guy Edwards and Timmon Roberts say that Peru is well placed to ensure the UN makes progress on climate change next year
Political leadership required to make progress towards ambitious climate agreement says former UN Secretary General
US defense chief says investments in wind, solar and energy efficiency will boost military’s ability to operate around the world
Divestment campaign kicks off in US capital city as authorities debate moving retirement funds from fossil fuels
Toy maker Lego aims for 100% renewable energy generation by 2016 through WWF scheme
Simulation suggests that even halting greenhouse gas emissions could still leave the Earth’s average temperature rising
Thursday’s top five: Beijing launches carbon trading scheme, Poland starts fracking, Jordan builds first major wind farm
Christiana Figueres, Michael Zammit Cutajar and Yvo de Boer on challenges facing international negotiations up to 2015 Paris summit
Billed as the ‘finance summit’, Warsaw delivered little and promised less, leaving many questions unanswered