The “jet zero” strategy relies on future technology breakthroughs and rejects options to curb demand
The German initiative aims to fix the flaws in humanitarian aid, but with no new money behind it campaigners are sceptical
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At this week’s Pacific Island Forum the new Australian government got a warmer response from its smaller neighbours but was pressed to keep fossil fuels in the ground
At a critical moment for Chinese leadership, Beijing’s “zero-Covid” policy is making it harder than ever for journalists and experts to access information
Across China, hundreds of local authorities are partnering with solar developers to cover a percentage of buildings with PV by the end of 2023
Lab tests show that the human body’s core temperature starts to rise at lower wet bulb temperatures than the theoretical safety limit
In the first of a four-part series on the future of energy, we explore the case for – and limitations of – hydrogen as a clean fuel
The European Parliament’s four largest political groups are proposing a 14.5% efficiency goal by 2030, up from the 9% discussed last year
The host of the next UN climate summit has strengthened its renewable energy targets but still expects to increase emissions this decade
Food price inflation is no joke in Egypt, where geopolitical tensions are overshadowing preparations for the next UN climate summit
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With the Senate and the Supreme Court blocking climate action, campaigners are targeting state-level action and democratic reform
The Supreme Court ruling requires the Brazilian government to reactivate its climate fund and has implications for international law
Climate campaigners accused EU lawmakers of “betrayal” and some member states are preparing legal challenges to the sustainable taxonomy
Youba Sokona, a distinguished climate scientist from Mali, talks about his journey and what the science says about Africa’s needs
The Biden administration is consulting on scaled-back oil development in federal waters, after a judge warned against a total ban
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The international climate community sees a ruling to curtail the EPA’s powers as further weakening Joe Biden’s ability to deliver on his climate goals
In the Northwest Territories, Canada’s first indigenous protected reserve is bringing together scientific methods and traditional knowledge