Svitlana Krakovska had to withdraw from the approval session of the IPCC report as bombs hit Kyiv. She fears for the future of climate science in Ukraine
Adaptation finance, nature-based solutions and solar geoengineering were among the contentious topics that sent IPCC talks into overtime
Many of the risks projected in 2014 are now unavoidable reality, as climate science outpaces action to avert the crisis
We can adapt to many changes brought by an overheating planet, but some things will be lost forever, scientists warn in blockbuster report
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Under bombing, Ukrainian scientists taking part in the approval session of the upcoming IPCC report have had to withdraw from the meeting
The US has repeatedly blocked demands from developing countries to provide specific funding to recover from the losses caused by climate disasters
The German government has been worried about being sued by the fossil fuel companies behind the Russian gas pipeline under the Energy Charter Treaty
The tourism ministry has imposed a floor price for rooms in Sharm el-Sheikh which is several times their usual costs, prompting fresh concerns over participation at Cop27
The government has long used a broad definition of forests which is at odds with UN guidance and overstates India’s climate credentials
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Through control of their territory, the Deni people sustainably manage stocks of pirarucu, boosting their numbers 425% in 11 years
Instead of supporting a “just transition” away from fossil fuels, international financiers are offering Suriname $1 billion to enable massive oil investments
Nepal may forgo a $500m grant from the Millenium Challenge Corporation to build power transmission lines, due to anti-US sentiment stoked by China
The case could set an international precedent for indigenous people to control resources on their land, which they say is critical to climate action
EU green investment rules facilitate the rollout of blue hydrogen, a fuel that could be more polluting than the fossil gas it is set to replace
To make an impact as G7 president, Berlin must reduce its dependency on fossil gas and get all the key ministries working together
By counting plantations and urban parks as forests, the Indian government hides deforestation caused by industrial projects
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Date growers see little benefit from the solar boom as they struggle with drought, pests and soaring electricity bills