The government wants 70% of the island’s electricity to come from renewables by 2030 and is offering cheap loans to install rooftop solar
Scandinavian countries have raised taxes on pollution in response to economic crises, while reducing them on labour and capital, boosting productivity
The government is promising to crack down on wasteful emissions from oil and gas production, a major climate and health issue in Nigeria
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Governments and businesses have set laudable net zero targets, but few have committed to the annual CO2 cuts this decade the planet needs
Youth, climate disaster victims and vulnerable countries could use the latest UN science report as evidence to sue polluters for damages or remedial action
The government has published a plan for the ‘sustainable’ use of coal that would allow the fossil fuel to be burnt until 2050
Only 13 countries have methane emission targets in their climate plans, despite evidence of the gas’s potent role in global heating
The post-Soviet state has increased its climate ambition but campaigners say it could do more to insulate draughty housing and promote clean energy
Hosts of the next UN climate summit in Glasgow, UK, say health is the priority as they share Covid-proofing plan with regional climate officials
As the IPCC warns of intensifying climate impacts, rich countries must deliver on their funding promises and set new commitments to the developing world
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has published its first update on the physical science of climate change since 2013. Here are the key messages
Athletes fainted as wet bulb temperatures reached dangerous levels in Tokyo, raising questions about the future of major sporting events in an overheated world
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Experts say forest management and firefighting equipment is needed to prevent future disasters, as climate change brings hotter and drier conditions
Attribution science, which quantifies the influence of human activity on specific heatwaves, droughts and floods, has developed rapidly in the past decade
Struggling to balance its budget as the coronavirus pandemic hits oil revenues, Oman is looking to diversify the economy and cut electricity subsidies
110 parties to the Paris Agreement have submitted updated 2030 climate targets to be counted by UN Climate Change before Cop26, but some major emitters’ are still missing
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Representatives of 22 official climate advisory bodies – from Chile to New Zealand – got together on Zoom to compare notes