Sponsored content: Decarbonisation will be successful by engaging all stakeholders, addressing obstacles, and reaping the benefits
Trees are worth much more to humanity alive than dead, say 500 scientists in an open letter to leaders in the EU, US and East Asia
Building coalitions on green finance and carbon pricing and putting climate at the heart of diplomacy will allow the big three emitters to deliver on net zero goals
A one-sided privatisation deal and flawed World Bank advice landed Grenada with a hefty legal bill to reform its electricity sector and cut reliance on polluting diesel
As president Cyril Ramaphosa launches an initiative to deliver net zero emissions, campaigners prepare to confront trade unions over coal
The Japan Bank for International Cooperation approved a loan to the controversial Vung Ang 2 coal project from a facility intended for “environmental preservation”
China’s national emissions trading scheme could become a significant lever for climate action, but experts warn that it will do little to curb emissions in the short term
As 2020 draws to a close, we look back at Climate Home News’ reporting of a year defined by the coronavirus pandemic
Imran Khan announced his government would not approve any more coal power plants and pivot to renewables, contrary to the grid operator’s forecast of a coal boom
The EU’s enthusiastic embrace of hydrogen risks undermining the clean energy transition and its newly-minted 2030 greenhouse gas target
The island nation is a major manufacturer and campaigners hope it will follow Japan and South Korea in setting a 2050 net zero target next year
More than 70 heads of state showed stronger climate action at a virtual summit, but heavy lifting remains in 2021 to meet the ambition of Paris
We, Costa Rica and Denmark, are moving beyond oil. To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, we encourage friends and allies to do the same
The Paris Agreement has survived the US withdrawal and normalised net zero, but emissions are still rising and vulnerable people are suffering from climate disasters
The EU’s largest oil producer has agreed to cancel new oil and gas licences and wind down production, in a bid for climate leadership
A Chinese government-commissioned report proposes stricter environmental standards for “belt and road” investments, but it needs buy-in from financial institutions
UN-backed Production Gap report projects a 2% annual rise in global fossil fuel output this decade, when 6% cuts are needed in line with a 1.5C warming limit
To align near-term policy with its 2060 carbon neutrality goal, China needs to stop building new coal-fired power plants after 2020, researchers say
The UK prime minister’s plan for a “green industrial revolution” sends a strong political signal, but more is needed for a credible decarbonisation strategy ahead of Cop26
Experts are calling for relief and resilience funding for Nicaragua and Honduras, as warming seas fuel extraordinarily intense storms