Crewless ships would use 10-15% less fuel, estimate engineers, and could be running by the end of the decade
Finance will be critical to realise the Paris Agreement, says Emmanuel De Guzman – and vulnerable countries are taking a lead
US solar giant accused of wild spending spree, but industry in good shape says Indian energy minister and analysts at Bloomberg
Swedish utility cuts its losses in controversial transfer of dirty lignite operations to Czech energy company EPH, to reduce carbon exposure
Former top science advisor to UK climate department left a powerful legacy underlining need for facts and pragmatism to dominate energy debate
Mark Carney and Jim Kim warn window of opportunity to reduce emissions is closing, call for greater transparency on climate risk from big business
The Southern Gas Corridor risks locking in higher fossil fuel dependence and wasting colossal amounts of public money
As the US coal giant goes bankrupt, shareholders should beware of fossil fuel companies predicting a rosy future
This week’s top climate politics and policy stories. Sign up inside to have our Friday briefing sent to your inbox
NEWS: Solar and wind farms muscled out fossil fuel-fired plants as preferred form of new power generation in 2015, says clean energy body
COMMENT: Last week deputy crown prince Salman announced the formation of a post-oil $2 trillion fund, accelerating a major Middle East energy transition
Crib Notes 4-8 April: ICAO primed for EU meet, World Bank to release new climate plan, G20 sherpas gather in China
NEWS: Low carbon price and glut of free permits give power sector and industry little incentive to reduce their climate impact, say analysts
Carbon superpowers to sign and approve agreement this year, raising hopes it may come into force by the end of 2016
NEWS: To have a 50% chance of avoiding dangerous temperatures new fossil fuel investments needs to be put on hold from next year
NEWS: Delhi considers axing food subsidies for the poor, but continues to pay almost US$200 billion in subsidies for coal, oil and gas
NEWS: Despite signs that the world will cut its future fossil fuel use, greenhouse gases already emitted are still driving accelerating climate change
This week’s top climate politics and policy stories. Sign up inside to have our Friday briefing sent to your inbox
LONG READ: Brown coal is Germany’s guilty energy secret, a drain on its climate ambitions. Mining communities see the writing on the wall
NEWS: Veteran diplomat and energy analyst steps back into the heart of UN climate talks tasked with implementing 2015 Paris agreement