Secretary of State John Kerry tells audience in New Delhi that action on climate change can boost the country’s development
With John Kerry in India to discuss future cooperation, analysts say USA must offer Delhi government aid to move away from coal-based economy
At landmark speech in Berlin US President says a “grim alternative” awaits the world if rising greenhouse gas emissions are not addressed
UNEP report reveals overall funding for wind and solar dropped in 2012, but growth still evident in emerging markets
Current emissions and mitigation policies have left the world on a trajectory to warm by 4C by 2100, a new report by Climate Action Tracker warns
Scratch the surface of the World Coal Association’s answer to climate change, more coal, and it is clearly deeply flawed
Morning Summary: Still no resolution to agenda rift as talks enter fourth day
World’s fastest growing economy and World Environment Day host has “immense opportunity” for green growth says UNEP official
UK Secretary of State Ed Davey’s speech to Met Office Climate Services event at Institute of Physics, London on Monday 3 June
Sector on brink of competing with fossil fuels but China-EU could derail years of progress, writes Joe Curtin
Kalikesh Singh Deo praises the country’s climate legislation but says low targets and fossil fuel subsidies blot its record
Zou Ji from China’s National Centre for Climate Change says country’s clean revolution could stall unless it receives help from developed world
European Commission is consulting on how to maintain decarbonisation momentum, but will binding targets for renewables, efficiency and emissions work?
Last week’s round of UN climate change talks in Bonn offered an insight into what a binding emissions treaty could look like
UN climate chief tells RTCC agreement must be the start of a transformation of world economy to cleaner technologies & renewable energy
UAE state funded energy investor to provide much needed stimulus to Britain’s low carbon lender
RTCC’s daily round-up of the top climate change and green economy stories from around the world
Joe Curtin from the IIEA asks if the rejection of EU ETS “backloading” is a minor hiccup or the beginning of the end?
UN body says rising levels of greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation linked to metal production must be urgently addressed
RTCC’s daily round-up of the top climate change and green economy stories from around the world