PwC assessment of current efforts to reduce emissions finds that we are on a pathway to warming far greater than the 2°C recommended by the UN’s climate science panel, the IPCC.
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Report claims 3 billion tonnes of CO2 could be saved but critics question benefits of “big-hydro” on social and environmental grounds.
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC including the latest from the UN biodiversity summit in Hyderabad, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The EU ETS is the European Union’s carbon trading flagship – but as Adela Putinelu explains, there are concerns its design and framework have serious flaws
Solving climate change and world hunger are two huge problems, but can they be achieved at the same time, and what does this mean for Biofuels?
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC including the latest from the UN biodiversity summit in Hyderabad, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney says clean coal is the answer to the USA’s energy problems – but does it really exist?
UN climate chief praises efforts to use carbon markets to reduce emissions as Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia follow the example of South Korea and China.
Sea ice levels in the North and South Poles have dominated the climate change debate this summer – these animations demonstrate why.
Youth Profile #14: Costa Rica is one of the world’s smaller countries, but in the world of climate change it stands tall – led by a dynamic youth movement
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Biofuels have been charged with devastating large tracts of forested land – but their successors could change that perception for good
CCS technology appears a simple and logical answer to the need to keep the lights on and lower emissions – but is it really the golden bullet to stop climate change?
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Let us know what you think about Japan’s decision to stick with its fleet of nuclear reactors