‘The Crystal’ uses 50% less energy than comparable buildings, generates 100% of its heating and recycles 44% of its water
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
In the latest RTCC Youth Profile, Lucy Patterson from Push Europe tells RTCC that it is time countries stopped blocking greater ambition in the continent’s global climate change targets.
Legislation that would protect coal mines from closure and make Federal funding of renewables projects more difficult will be debated in Congress this week
New study published in Nature Climate Change says a combination of warming temperatures and ocean acidification is putting nearly all of the world’s coral reefs under threat.
If British politicians treat their own climate targets like a joke, what hopes are there for an effective global binding emissions deal?
In the 11th of RTCC’s youth series, Cao Yuan from the China Youth Climate Action Network talks about the work they are doing getting the young people’s voices heard on climate change, both in China and on the international stage.
International Energy Agency’s chief economist warns world will be on unstoppable warming trajectory if low-carbon investments are not made in next five years
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
UK and EU senior climate negotiator Pete Betts says political conditions need to improve if world is to hit key climate change temperature goal
US President provides hope to climate activists around the world with strong defence of green policies during main speech at the Democrat Convention
Today’s top headlines – EU to investigate China solar panel imports, Danish Minister calls for climate to top political agenda and President Putin flies with the cranes.
Latest Climate Action Tracker says more ambition vital from governments if world temperatures are to be controlled
The costs of a geoengineering scheme to deflect solar radiation has been estimated in a new scientific paper; UN Bangkok climate talks continue and Shell is told it can drill tests wells off the coast of Alaska but full scale drilling will have to wait till its spill response plan is approved.
Tom Youngman, a young climate activist reflects on his meeting with green entrepreneur Dale Vince and asks how much can one person do to fight climate change on their own?
The UN talks look to lay the path for a new period of emission cuts for rich countries under the Kyoto protocol as issues of finance and formative discussions on the Durban Platform, a global deal on greenhouse gas reductions begin.
Speaking to a crowd at Iowa State University, Obama calls of student to choose an energy future good for both the economy and the planet.
In the ninth of the RTCC Youth Series we talk to Chris Castro from IDEASforUs about driving sustainability in US campuses, the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship and taking the group global.
After struggling with logistical problems all summer, Shell wants more time to drill off the coast of Alaska. A new electric car racing series will launch in 2014.
Todd Tanner, founder of the Conservation Hawks tells RTCC why changes in the Montana landscape have spurred him on to start a grass roots climate action movement among the United States 37 million hunters.