Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Counter intuitively perhaps, the answer is no, as gripping TV means less people involved in higher energy activities.
The Gulf state’s petrodollars look to use sport and raw ambition to drive sustainable development at home and abroad and create climate solutions.
New art installation in London’s Russell Square highlights the important role of trees in keeping cities clean and free from pollution
Steel giant can offset the London Games’ greenhouse gas impact by cancelling just three percent of its massive reserve of excess carbon credits.
Emissions and congestion in the host city of the last Games briefly decreased during the event. What can London do to make the impact permanent?
Forget untried fuels and expensive infrastructure projects, promoting healthy traffic flows can stem the tide of growing carbon emissions.
RTCC takes a look at some of the innovative ideas which have gone into making the 2012 Games arenas some of the most sustainable ever seen at an Olympic event.
Authors of Games’ original sustainability strategy, WWF and Bioregional, issue mixed scorecard for organisers but event still outshines previous Olympics and raises bar for future events.
Oil company uses sponsorship to draw attention to biofuel advances but commercialisation is the real prize.
How the trend of ‘crowd-sourcing’ is helping an East-End London community at Cody Dock regenerate their area start ahead of this summer’s Olympic Games.