The aviation industry has been slow to engage with the climate change agenda and new technology that could help it decarbonise is still being developed
The airline will pay a UK company to carry out enhanced rock weathering, which speeds up natural carbon-absorbing processes
Fuel made from vegetable oils and fats could offer low carbon answer to rising airline pollution levels
Heathrow is expected to handle more than 70 million passengers this year. That’s a lot of carbon. Heathrow’s head of climate change discusses what they are doing to shrink their footprint.
After latest meeting of countries opposed to the EU’s aviation carbon trading regulations, the industry says emissions should be the focus; legal loophole could leave decision to Burkina Faso, Morocco, and Swaziland.
If the EU cannot enforce an emissions-trading system for airlines in its own backyard, what hope does the Durban Platform really have?