NEWS: Rumoured peak in Chinese emissions would still be insufficient to put China on 2C pathway
NEWS: Incoming president of Lima conference warns that countries must be “realistic” about UN climate deal
NEWS: Mass gathering of NGOs outside UN talks in Bonn highlights growing unrest over progress at high-level discussions
NEWS: Guidelines for national contributions presented as countries start to formulate draft agreement
NEWS: EU hopes news that it is overachieving on greenhouse gas reductions will boost ambition at this week’s UN climate talks
NEWS: Submission to UN warns countries are unlikely to make ambitious emission reduction promises ahead of Paris
COMMENT: Few major announcements expected, but meeting offers opportunity to build relationships ahead of Ban Ki-moon summit
NEWS: Technical, not political, talks on efficiency and renewables should form basis of pre-2020 climate ambition, says EU
NEWS: Just 21% of governments sending ministers to June UN climate talks, raising doubt over engagement with process